Rubber conveyor belts are a cost efficient way of moving inventory along a warehouse floor. They have many advantages, but there are some disadvantages as well. For instance, it’s important that they’re cleaned after each use. If not, mold and mildew can form, which can present health problems for people who work in close proximity to them. Also, as mentioned before, they’re susceptible to high impact.
Rubber Conveyor Belts
PVD: PVD stands for polyvinyl chloride, a clear plastic that’s commonly used to create plastic products, such as T-shirts or vinyl stickers. This type of rubber conveyor belts has a number of advantages. It’s very durable, able to withstand heavy impact, and immune to high heat. It also adheres very easily to various types of plastic, especially if a rubber belt is mixed with an adhesive.
PVC Vinyl coated: This is another type of rubber conveyor belts, made from PVC Vinyl coated sheets. This material is able to withstand a great amount of pressure, thanks to its special feature of having double contact points. This means that it provides twice the amount of resistance to stress as the Teflon version. However, like Teflon, it can suffer from a lower tolerance to chemicals and impact, as it can get damaged faster. It’s also susceptible to high temperature fluctuations.